Adult Social Emotional Learning

What You'll Learn

  • The five core social and emotional competencies and how they are essential in personal and professional settings
  • A deeper awareness of your SEL strengths and areas for personal and professional growth
  • Strategies and resources for developing your own social and emotional competencies

Who Should Apply

  • All Educators
Approximate hours each

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions (CASEL, 2023). This set of micro-credentials describes how five core social and emotional competencies are relevant in the daily lives of educators and ways to continually develop areas of competence as adults.

NEA acknowledges the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) for their collaboration on the Social and Emotional Learning micro-credentials.

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Adult Social Emotional Learning: 1 Self-Awareness
The educator will explore their understanding of their identity, thoughts, and feelings through personal reflection and self-assessment, and will reflect on how these factors influence their daily behaviors.
Types of Evidence Required
The educator will develop and strengthen self-awareness and create a self-awareness action plan that will include self-reflection, self-assessment, goal setting, and small action steps, to build self-confidence and purpose.

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StartNEA_SEL1Adult Social Emotional Learning1 Self-Awareness

Adult Social Emotional Learning: 2 Self-Management
The educator will exercise agency to manage emotions, thoughts, and actions in working toward personal and collective goals.
Types of Evidence Required
The educator will develop and strengthen self-management and create a self-management action plan that will include, self-assessment, goal setting, small action steps, and self-reflection to build motivation and agency in order to accomplish personal goals and aspirations.

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StartNEA_SEL2Adult Social Emotional Learning2 Self-Management

Adult Social Emotional Learning: 3 Social Awareness
The educator will demonstrate the ability to understand the perspective of and empathize with others including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts.
Types of Evidence Required
The educator will develop and strengthen their social awareness and create a social awareness action plan that will include self-reflection, self-assessment, goal setting,and small action steps.

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StartNEA_SEL3Adult Social Emotional Learning3 Social Awareness

Adult Social Emotional Learning: 4 Relationship Skills


The educator will strengthen their abilities to establish and maintain healthy and supportive relationships through clear communication, collaborative problem solving, managing conflicts, and effectively navigating settings with diverse individuals and groups.
Types of Evidence Required
The educator will develop and strengthen relationship skills and create a relationship restoration action plan that will include self-reflection, self-assessment, goal setting, and small action steps.

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StartNEA_SEL4Adult Social Emotional Learning4 Relationship Skills

Adult Social Emotional Learning: 5 Responsible Decision-Making
The educator will develop their abilities to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across diverse situations.
Types of Evidence Required
The educator will develop and strengthen their ability to make responsible decisions by creating a plan that will include self-reflection, self-assessment, goal setting, and small action steps.

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StartNEA_SEL5Adult Social Emotional Learning5 Responsible Decision-Making