Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement

Approximate hours each

These micro-credentials meet Washington state’s equity-based school practices certificate renewal requirement, and are aligned to the CCDEI (Cultural Competency, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) standards. Find out more about the equity certificate renewal requirement. Find out more about how to earn Washington clock hours through NEA micro-credentialsto meet this requirement.

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Adult Social Emotional Learning: 1 Self-Awareness
The educator will explore their understanding of their identity, thoughts, and feelings through personal reflection and self-assessment, and will reflect on how these factors influence their daily behaviors.
Types of Evidence Required
The educator will develop and strengthen self-awareness and create a self-awareness action plan that will include self-reflection, self-assessment, goal setting, and small action steps, to build self-confidence and purpose.

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StartNEA_SEL1Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement1 Self-Awareness

Native Education: 1. Acknowledging and Honoring Resilience of AI/AN Education
Educators will demonstrate an understanding of how U.S. Federal Indian Policy has contributed to educational and institutional inequities and mistreatment of American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) communities and how they have shown resistance and resilience throughout history.
Types of Evidence Required: Research of AI/AN communities, AI/AN education timeline, presentation

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StartNEA_NIEA1Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement1. Acknowledging and Honoring Resilience of AI/AN Education

Diversity, Equity, and Cultural Competence: 1. Exploring and Unpacking Bias
Educators will be able to define and describe implicit and explicit bias and identify how bias influences decisions, actions, and behaviors with students and families. Educators will also identify specific actions they can take to disrupt bias in their classrooms, schools, and districts.
Types of Evidence Required: Infographic, and design professional learning

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StartNEA_DEC1Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement1. Exploring and Unpacking Bias

Family Engagement: 1. Families in Society and Cultural Contexts
Educator understands, values, respects, and honors the unique variations that exist among families and the ways families support and advocate for their child(ren).
Types of Evidence Required: Information Gathering, Description of changes made with analysis and results

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StartNEA_FE1Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement1. Families in Society and Cultural Contexts

Climate Change & Environmental Justice: 2. Climate Justice

Educators will understand and share the disproportionate impacts of climate change on our communities and solutions to advance equity.

Types of Evidence Required

Educators will expand awareness on climate justice by creating an action plan OR a lesson plan to promote environmental justice.

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StartNEA_CLIM2Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement2. Climate Justice

Native Education: 2. Culture and Engagement: Activating Learning for AI/AN Students
Educator demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between brain development and cultural engagement in the classroom to foster a more effective learning experience for American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) students.
Types of Evidence Required: Social identity wheel, lesson artifact, journal reflection

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StartNEA_NIEA2Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement2. Culture and Engagement: Activating Learning for AI/AN Students

Diversity, Equity, and Cultural Competence: 2. Exploring and Unpacking Historical Inequities in Public Education
Educators will explore and understand historical and present-day inequities in education. They will also identify how they impact schools and systems of public education as well as students and families.
Types of Evidence Required: Brochure, infographic, daily routine, currate resources and create a lesson plan

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StartNEA_DEC2Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement2. Exploring and Unpacking Historical Inequities in Public Education

Family Engagement: 2. Family Engagement as Access and Opportunities For All
Educator uses knowledge of families and communities to tailor engagement opportunities that reach all families regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, language, geographic location, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical ability, size, occupation, and marital/parental or economic status.
Types of Evidence Required: Survey, Data analysis, Action Plan, Evidence of implementation

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StartNEA_FE2Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement2. Family Engagement as Access and Opportunities For All

Adult Social Emotional Learning: 3 Social Awareness
The educator will demonstrate the ability to understand the perspective of and empathize with others including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts.
Types of Evidence Required
The educator will develop and strengthen their social awareness and create a social awareness action plan that will include self-reflection, self-assessment, goal setting,and small action steps.

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StartNEA_SEL3Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement3 Social Awareness

Diversity, Equity, and Cultural Competence: 3. Awareness of Current Institutional Inequities
Educators will identify and analyze institutional inequities that impact student outcomes, and develop action steps that can interrupt the status quo.
Types of Evidence Required: Infographic, design professional learning, and create an action plan

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StartNEA_DEC3Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement3. Awareness of Current Institutional Inequities

Native Education: 3. Building a Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Classroom for AI/AN Students
Educator understands how to provide a safe, respectful, and inclusive classroom environment that honors the diversity of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian) (AI/AN) students, families, and communities.
Types of Evidence Required: Pre-interview plan, interview reflection, action plan

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StartNEA_NIEA3Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement3. Building a Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Classroom for AI/AN Students

Diversity, Equity, and Cultural Competence: 4. Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence in Classroom Instruction
Educators will develop and implement strategies to create a more culturally responsive, inclusive and equitable learning community for all students.
Types of Evidence Required: Infographic, self assessment, plan or resource, classroom vision, analysis

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StartNEA_DEC4Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement4. Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence in Classroom Instruction

Family Engagement: 4. Families as Co-Creators
Educator collaborates with families to co-create practices, policies and opportunities that promote positive experiences and engagement in the classroom, school and/or community.
Types of Evidence Required: Plan for family activity, implement family activity, evidence of family activity

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StartNEA_FE4Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement4. Families as Co-Creators

Trauma: 4. Race Based Trauma
Educators will use their knowledge of how individual and institutional racism, racial bias, discrimination, and microaggressions can cause traumatic reactions in students of color, to create a safe and brave environment that can help students cope with race-based trauma.
Types of Evidence Required: Research, plan and analysis

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StartNEA_TRA4Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement4. Race Based Trauma

Native Education: 4. Respectful and Responsible Representation of AI/AN Nations in Curriculum
Educators analyze and use American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian (AI/AN) inclusive resources to support learning for all students.
Types of Evidence Required: Lesson analysis, Revisions to lesson, student artifacts

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StartNEA_NIEA4Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement4. Respectful and Responsible Representation of AI/AN Nations in Curriculum

Diversity, Equity, and Cultural Competence: 5. Creating a Safe and Equitable Learning Environment
Educators will identify and implement key policy, and culturally-competent practices that lead to safe and equitable learning environments for students.
Types of Evidence Required: School climate survey, analysis, and action plan

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StartNEA_DEC5Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement5. Creating a Safe and Equitable Learning Environment

Native Education: 5. Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy for AI/AN Instruction
Educators will plan and teach AIAN inclusive, culturally, and linguistically responsive lessons.
Types of Evidence Required: Self assessment & reflection, lesson plan, Lesson artifact

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StartNEA_NIEA5Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement5. Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy for AI/AN Instruction

Family Engagement: 5. Linking Family Engagement to Learning Outcomes
Educator uses data to communicate and engage families in support of individual student academic success as well as social/emotional learning and college/career readiness.
Types of Evidence Required: Data collection, goal setting, recording/video, data report

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StartNEA_FE5Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement5. Linking Family Engagement to Learning Outcomes

Trauma: 5. Using a Healing-Centered Approach to Support Refugee Students
Educators identify the causes and implications of refugee trauma on students. They design a healing-centered learning environment to support students who have experienced refugee trauma.
Types of Evidence Required: List of services, referral process, and action plan

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StartNEA_TRA5Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement5. Using a Healing-Centered Approach to Support Refugee Students

Diversity, Equity, and Cultural Competence: 6. Asset-Based, Student-Centered Learning Environments
Educators will use high expectations, rigorous curriculum, and culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies to create an assets-based, student-centered learning environment.
Types of Evidence Required: Empathy Interviews, self analysis, and action plan

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StartNEA_DEC6Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement6. Asset-Based, Student-Centered Learning Environments

Family Engagement: 6. Community Partnerships for Learning and Family Well-Being
Educator fosters a positive relationship among families, schools and communities to enhance Family Engagement within their school, district and/or community, resulting in the optimum well-being of the students and families.
Types of Evidence Required: Needs assessment, community map and analysis, action plan

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StartNEA_FE6Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement6. Community Partnerships for Learning and Family Well-Being

Native Education: 6. Culturally Responsive ELA Instruction for and about AI/AN Students
Educators utilize AIAN texts, storytelling, and cultural pedagogy to provide culturally responsive instruction that embeds both cultural and academic standards in English Language Arts (ELA).
Types of Evidence Required: AI/AN text analysis, AI/AN literacy lesson plan, student artifacts

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StartNEA_NIEA6Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement6. Culturally Responsive ELA Instruction for and about AI/AN Students

Trauma: 6. Poverty Based Trauma
Educators identify the causes and implications of trauma that's linked to poverty and design a healing-centered learning environment to support affected students. Educators also promote empathy and the healthy development of social emotional skills among all students.
Types of Evidence Required: Infographic, and Listicle,classroom plan

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StartNEA_TRA6Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement6. Poverty Based Trauma

Family Engagement: 7. Leading with Professional Ethics
Educator leads with professional ethics to empower families to support and advocate for students and schools.
Types of Evidence Required: Survey, learning plan,flyer, slide deck, handouts, faciliate a workshop, collect feedback

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StartNEA_FE7Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement7. Leading with Professional Ethics

Family Engagement: 8. Family Engagement Systems
Educator recognizes and addresses the systems that impact how families engage within the school and community.
Types of Evidence Required: Needs analysis, Resource guide, Promotion plan

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StartNEA_FE8Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement8. Family Engagement Systems

Native Education: 8. Truth-Telling in Social Studies Instruction: A Native Lens
Educators will critically deconstruct, and challenge commonly held misconceptions and mistruths in social studies curriculum and instruction. They will also be able to teach accuracy and truth using AIAN-authored and vetted resources.
Types of Evidence Required: Unit review, unit revision, reflection

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StartNEA_NIEA8Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirement8. Truth-Telling in Social Studies Instruction: A Native Lens

Using Your Educator Voice to Advocate for Students: Activating Community Resources to Support Student Learning
Educator works with other professionals and colleagues to build connections to community resources to support student learning.
Types of Evidence Required: List of Resources, Event Flyer and Photo Essay (Collage)

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StartNEA_RED1Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementActivating Community Resources to Support Student Learning

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Professional Responsibility - Communicating with Stakeholders
Educator delivers an effective message to learners, families, and colleagues.
Types of Evidence Required: 3 communication plans (written artifacts), 3 annotated artifacts (pictures and written annotations)

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StartNEA_CWSMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementCommunicating with Stakeholders

Teacher Leadership: Diversity Equity Cultural Competence Pathway - Cultivating Socially Just Environments
Educator deepens understanding of cultivating socially just educational environments.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, audio or video AND written documentation, Written artifact OR video

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StartNEA_CSJMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementCultivating Socially Just Environments

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Cultural Competence Standard: Cultural Self-Awareness

The ESP demonstrates awareness of how their own culture (e.g., race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, beliefs, and other differences) shapes their preferences and perspective, and understands how to become conscious of previously unconscious biases going forward.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; activity sheet written or audio or video artifact, audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC3Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementCultural Competence Standard: Cultural Self-Awareness

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Cultural Competence Standard: Valuing Diversity

The ESP values diversity with regard to culture (e.g., race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, beliefs, and other differences.)

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; activity sheet, audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC2Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementCultural Competence Standard: Valuing Diversity

Teaching with Primary Sources: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy with Primary Sources
Educator uses primary sources and inquiry strategies to craft culturally relevant instruction.
Key Method: Educator develops and analyzes a lesson that incorporates the three tenets of culturally relevant pedagogy with primary sources.

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StartNEA_TPS3Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementCulturally Relevant Pedagogy with Primary Sources

Arts Integration: Culturally Responsive Art Instruction
Educator honors the presence of student diversity by incorporating culturally responsive arts instruction and/or integration.
Types of Evidence Required: Document, PDF

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StartNEA_AICRMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementCulturally Responsive Art Instruction

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Educator Ethics and the Law
Educator uses their knowledge of laws and policies in their day-to-day decision-making to model and promote ethical behavior.
Types of Evidence Required: One pagers, presentation, analysis, examples

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StartNEA_ETH1Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementEducator Ethics and the Law

Cooperating Teacher: Equity Literacy
The cooperating teacher demonstrates an understanding of how to create and sustain a bias-free and equitable learning environment for teacher candidates through increased equity literacy.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, video OR narrative OR audio file OR brochure OR PowerPoint, written summary

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StartNEA_ELMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementEquity Literacy

Using Your Educator Voice to Advocate for Students: Establishing, Maintaining, and Supporting Relationships with Parents and Community
Educator works with other professionals and colleagues to build connections to community resources to support student learning.
Types of Evidence Required: List of Resources, Event Flyer and Photo Essay (Collage)

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StartNEA_RED6Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementEstablishing, Maintaining, and Supporting Relationships with Parents and Community

Teacher Leadership: Diversity Equity Cultural Competence Pathway - Explore and Challenge Inequity
Educator understands and participates in situations challenging inequity and promotes equity, diversity, and cultural competency in education.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, audio or video AND written documentation, Written artifact OR video

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StartNEA_CIMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementExplore and Challenge Inequity

Five Core Propositions (NBCT): Know Your Students
Teachers know about the students they instruct in order to respond to individual student learning differences and provide every student with a high quality educational setting.
Types of Evidence Required: two written artifacts using given templates

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StartNEA_KYSMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementKnow Your Students

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Learner and Learning - Linking Families and Communities to Schools for Student Success
Educator demonstrates an understanding of the important role that families and communities play in students' academic and social success.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, Parent/Community Engagement plan, written artifact

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StartNEA_LFCMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementLinking Families and Communities to Schools for Student Success

LGBTQ+: Part 1. Take a Stand: Creating Safe Schools for LGBTQ+ Students

Educators will learn about LGBTQ+ people and how to create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students.

Types of Evidence Required

expand awareness about school safety issues for LGBTQ+ students, analyze the factors that affect their safety, and develop an action plan

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StartNEA_PLUS1Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementPart 1. Take a Stand: Creating Safe Schools for LGBTQ+ Students

LGBTQ+: Part 2. Walking the Talk: Strategies to Address LGBTQ+ Bias in the Classroom

Educators will learn about LGBTQ+ student bias and approaches to address it. Educators will also reflect on how factors that contribute to this bias can influence their daily behaviors.

Types of Evidence Required

identify their unconscious bias, explore strategies to address anti-LGBTQ+ bias, and develop action plans

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StartNEA_PLUS2Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementPart 2. Walking the Talk: Strategies to Address LGBTQ+ Bias in the Classroom

LGBTQ+: Part 3. Making the Case: Communication Strategies

Educators will learn strategies they can use to communicate about LGBTQ+ students and LGBTQ+ issues, including how to prepare persuasive and informative message.

Types of Evidence Required

research and identify common objections to LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and curriculum

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StartNEA_PLUS3Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementPart 3. Making the Case: Communication Strategies

LGBTQ+: Part 4. The Intersections of Race, Gender, Gender identity, & Sexual Orientation

Educators understand the intersections of race, gender, and sexual orientation and how they connect with classroom culture, pedagogy, and student and staff relationships.

Types of Evidence Required

analyze key concepts of race, gender, and sexual orientation, determine roles in examining oppression at the individual, institutional, and societal levels, and create an action plan for addressing this oppression within the classroom

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StartNEA_PLUS4Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementPart 4. The Intersections of Race, Gender, Gender identity, & Sexual Orientation

LGBTQ+: Part 5. Safe and Supportive Working Environments: A Right for LGBTQ+ Educators

Educators will gain deeper insight into the barriers LGBTQ+ employees face while recognizing ways to support LGBTQ+ educators right now.

Types of Evidence Required

learn policies and laws related to the rights of LGBTQ+ employees, identify barriers employees of the LGBTQ+ community face, explain why the “coming out” process is difficult, and recognize policies to make a more inclusive environment

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StartNEA_PLUS5Micro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementPart 5. Safe and Supportive Working Environments: A Right for LGBTQ+ Educators

Teacher Leadership: Diversity Equity Cultural Competence Pathway - Purposeful Collaboration
Educator leads or facilitates diverse groups in situations which challenge inequity and promote equity, diversity, and cultural competency in education.
Types of Evidence Required: Video OR Audio AND/OR written artifact, Written artifact OR audio or video

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StartNEA_PCMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementPurposeful Collaboration

Teacher Leadership: Overarching Competencies - Reflective Practice
Educator thinks deeply and carefully about who they are and how they lead.
Types of Evidence Required: video OR audio, written artifact

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StartNEA_RPMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementReflective Practice

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Understanding Content - Teaching Global Competence
Educator facilitates learners' ability to develop diverse social and cultural perspectives that expand their understanding of local and global issues.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifact, 3 samples of annotated student work x2 (pre-& post)

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StartNEA_TGCMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementTeaching Global Competence

Classroom Management: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
Educator demonstrates an understanding of how trauma can affect student behaviors and responses within the school context and promotes students’ abilities to self-monitor and maintain positive engagement in all aspects of learning and interactions.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, pamphlet OR brochure

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StartNEA_TIPMicro-credentials meeting Washington’s Equity certificate renewal requirementTrauma-Informed Pedagogy