Classroom Management
What You'll Learn

You will learn how to create a student centered learning community that is supportive of all students.

Who Should Apply
  • K12 Educators
  • Education Support Professionals
  • Aspiring Educators
Approximate hours each
This stack is designed to help classroom educators to develop skills to successfully build a community of learners. You will have an opportunity to explore classroom organization and routines, as well as discover new ways to support students who have behavioral challenges due to trauma or other circumstances.
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Classroom Management: Addressing Challenging Behaviors
The educator applies knowledge of their state and national standards in lesson plans and instructional practice with multilingual learners.
Types of Evidence Required
Analysis of learners, lesson plan, and student work

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StartNEA_CM7Classroom ManagementAddressing Challenging Behaviors

Classroom Management: Aspects of an Engaged Classroom
Educator demonstrates an understanding of the value of student engagement in classroom management to promote an environment that is conducive to learning.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, video

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StartNEA_CM2Classroom ManagementAspects of an Engaged Classroom

Classroom Management: Classroom Expectations and Routines
The educator applies knowledge of their state and national standards in lesson plans and instructional practice with multilingual learners.
Types of Evidence Required
Analysis of learners, lesson plan, and student work

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StartNEA_CM8Classroom ManagementClassroom Expectations and Routines

Classroom Management: Creating A Classroom Community
The educator understands the importance of building key relationships for a positive classroom community.
Types of Evidence Required: video OR photo journal OR student work samples PLUS written artifacts

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StartNEA_CM4Classroom ManagementCreating A Classroom Community

Classroom Management: Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom
Educator demonstrates an understanding of how organizing the physical layout of his or her classroom can contribute to a positive learning environment.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, video OR photo of drawing OR photo journal

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StartNEA_CM5Classroom ManagementOrganizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom

Classroom Management: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
Educator demonstrates an understanding of how trauma can affect student behaviors and responses within the school context and promotes students’ abilities to self-monitor and maintain positive engagement in all aspects of learning and interactions.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, pamphlet OR brochure

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StartNEA_CM6Classroom ManagementTrauma-Informed Pedagogy