Supporting LGBTQ+ Students
What You'll Learn

You will learn how to support LGBTQ students by creating a safe space and a culture of inclusivity.

Who Should Apply
  • K12 Educators
  • Education Support Professionals
  • Administrators
  • Association Leaders
  • Teacher Leaders
  • Higher Ed Instructors
  • Aspiring Educators
Approximate hours each
This stack is designed to help educators understand how to create a safe and inclusive classroom environment for LGBTQ students. You also explore how to advocate for LGBTQ policies for students and co-workers. You will have the opportunity to learn and use proper and respectful terminology as well as design lesson plans that are inclusive of LGBTQ students. You will also have the opportunity to learn about intersections of race, gender and sexual orientation and use this knowledge to create a positive classroom community of learners.
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LGBTQ+: Part 1. Take a Stand: Creating Safe Schools for LGBTQ+ Students

Educators will learn about LGBTQ+ people and how to create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students.

Types of Evidence Required

expand awareness about school safety issues for LGBTQ+ students, analyze the factors that affect their safety, and develop an action plan

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StartNEA_PLUS1Supporting LGBTQ+ StudentsPart 1. Take a Stand: Creating Safe Schools for LGBTQ+ Students

LGBTQ+: Part 2. Walking the Talk: Strategies to Address LGBTQ+ Bias in the Classroom

Educators will learn about LGBTQ+ student bias and approaches to address it. Educators will also reflect on how factors that contribute to this bias can influence their daily behaviors.

Types of Evidence Required

identify their unconscious bias, explore strategies to address anti-LGBTQ+ bias, and develop action plans

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StartNEA_PLUS2Supporting LGBTQ+ StudentsPart 2. Walking the Talk: Strategies to Address LGBTQ+ Bias in the Classroom

LGBTQ+: Part 3. Making the Case: Communication Strategies

Educators will learn strategies they can use to communicate about LGBTQ+ students and LGBTQ+ issues, including how to prepare persuasive and informative message.

Types of Evidence Required

research and identify common objections to LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and curriculum

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StartNEA_PLUS3Supporting LGBTQ+ StudentsPart 3. Making the Case: Communication Strategies

LGBTQ+: Part 4. The Intersections of Race, Gender, Gender identity, & Sexual Orientation

Educators understand the intersections of race, gender, and sexual orientation and how they connect with classroom culture, pedagogy, and student and staff relationships.

Types of Evidence Required

analyze key concepts of race, gender, and sexual orientation, determine roles in examining oppression at the individual, institutional, and societal levels, and create an action plan for addressing this oppression within the classroom

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StartNEA_PLUS4Supporting LGBTQ+ StudentsPart 4. The Intersections of Race, Gender, Gender identity, & Sexual Orientation

LGBTQ+: Part 5. Safe and Supportive Working Environments: A Right for LGBTQ+ Educators

Educators will gain deeper insight into the barriers LGBTQ+ employees face while recognizing ways to support LGBTQ+ educators right now.

Types of Evidence Required

learn policies and laws related to the rights of LGBTQ+ employees, identify barriers employees of the LGBTQ+ community face, explain why the “coming out” process is difficult, and recognize policies to make a more inclusive environment

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StartNEA_PLUS5Supporting LGBTQ+ StudentsPart 5. Safe and Supportive Working Environments: A Right for LGBTQ+ Educators