NEA Micro-credentials Support

We've curated the resources below to assist you on your journey to earning NEA Micro-credentials. Contact Us directly if you need personalized support.

Anatomy of a Micro-credential Video Series

The Competency

Supporting Research

Part 1 Overview Questions

Part 3 Reflection 

Key Method & Method Components


Part 2 Artifacts & Rubrics 


Quick Tips for Success

  • Read each section carefully. Respond to ALL questions in that section, in the order in which the questions are posed.
  • When responding to sections with multiple parts, number your answers to match the micro-credential.
  • Read and refer to the resources and research provided in each micro-credential.
  • Refer to passing criteria and rubrics for guidance. Use these as a checklist to determine whether your submission is complete.
  • If including links to your work, be sure they are accessible to the reviewers.
  • Avoid the use of abbreviations, unless defined the first time they’re used.
  • When uploading a document, a PDF file is preferable, unless otherwise indicated in the micro-credential.
  • Maintain confidentiality - do not include your name or students’ names within any submissions or file names.
  • Use effective communication - please proofread your work.

Frequently Asked Questions

NEA does not issue credit for Micro-credentials. For questions about credit, please contact your state/location association, your school district, or your state's department of education.
Q - How should I decide which micro-credential is a good fit for me?

A - A micro-credential is a good fit for you if:

  • It excites your passion for learning.
  • It meets a professional need for your classroom, school, or district.
  • Your work on the micro-credential will benefit you, as well as your students:  academically, socially, or emotionally.
  • You are able to answer every question with direct examples from your professional setting.
  • It fits your professional role.  Pay attention to whether a micro-credential requires you to be a teacher, a paraeducator, or a team.
Q - What does a successful micro-credential submission look like?

A - In addition to the quick tips above, your submission should:

  • Demonstrate your new learning, professional growth, mastery, and application of the concepts in the micro-credential.
  • Rely on current research (included in each micro-credential) and best educational or professional practice (as described in the Resources).
  • Be based on your particular educational setting and students, with specific examples offered to illustrate your understanding.
  • Include analysis and reflection, such as: the impact of your work on students, families, colleagues, or your professional practice;  whether your lesson, action plan, or ideas were successful and the reasons why; what you will change in the future; next steps you will take and why.
Q - I am a pre-service educator. What should I know about successfully completing a micro-credential?

A - Look at the micro-credential list that doesn’t require you to have students.  The Educator Ethics micro-credentials would be a great place to start.

Q - How should I use the suggested word count when responding to a question?

A - The word count is a guide to help you determine whether you have thoroughly completed a response. Ex: If the word count suggests a response between 250 and 300 words, and you’ve responded with 3 sentences, you should review the micro-credential question and add details that elaborate on, explain, or justify your response.

Q - Does NEA Issue credit for successfully completing Micro-credentials?

A - No. NEA does not issue credit for Micro-credentials. For questions about credit, please contact your state/location association, your school district, or your state's department of education.

Q - How should I decide which micro-credential is a good fit for me?
A - A micro-credential is a good fit for you if:
  • It excites your passion for learning.
  • It meets a professional need for your classroom, school, or district.
  • Your work on the micro-credential will benefit you, as well as your students:  academically, socially, or emotionally.
  • You are able to answer every question with direct examples from your professional setting.
  • It fits your professional role. Pay attention to whether a micro-credential requires you to be a teacher, a paraeducator, or a team.
Q - One of the artifacts I’m asked to include in my submission is a SMART goal. What is this?

A - SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. A SMART goal describes each of these elements for the goal that you choose. If you need more information about a SMART goal, please see the resources section in each micro-credential. What is a SMART Goal?

Q - My micro-credential is asking me to submit a one-pager. What is this?

A - A one-pager is a document which concisely summarizes information with images, text, and/or links in a single page.   What is a One-Pager?

Q - I see many places in the micro-credential where I’m asked to reflect. What is the purpose for reflection?

A - Reflection is a way for us to collect, record, and analyze what happens in our daily work, as well as its impact on student learning and our teaching practice. It allows us to move from just presenting or experiencing something, into deeper understanding. If we don’t question ourselves about what our experiences mean and actively think about them, research has shown that we won’t make any changes or improve our practice.

Q - Is it acceptable to partner with other educators while completing my micro-credential work?

A - Yes, however each submission must be unique to each candidate.

Q - How will my micro-credential submission be assessed?

A - Each submission is independently reviewed by two highly-qualified and trained educators, evaluating each part of your submission against the passing criteria and provided rubrics. Feedback is provided only when a micro-credential requirement is not fully met, to help guide your revisions.

Q - If I don’t earn a micro-credential digital badge on the first try, what should I do?

A - Review the feedback provided by the assessors when rubric requirements are not met. Make the necessary revisions based on the targeted assessor comments and please resubmit your work. 

Q - If I’m not sure how to move forward with my work, how can I get support?
A - There are several locations where you can find support:
  • Use the provided contact form.
  • Use the text messaging feature provided by NEA.
  • Visit one of the Zoom support sessions.

NEA Micro-credentials: Guide to Creating Your Best Work