Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers

Approximate hours each

These micro-credentials are of interest to substitute teachers. Learn about emergency substitute teacher certification and substitute teacher certification. All NEA micro-credentials are eligible for Washington state clock hours with the exception of the Teacher Leadership Association Pathway stack. Find out more about how to earn Washington clock hours through NEA micro-credentials.

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Trauma Informed Pedagogy: 1. Creating a Healing Centered Learning Environment
Educators identifies key elements of trauma-informed pedagogy and design a healing-centered learning environment.
Types of Evidence Required: Vision statement, presentation, theory of action, and summary

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StartNEA_TRA1Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers1. Creating a Healing Centered Learning Environment

Restorative Practices: 1. Exploring Restorative Practices
Educator explores restorative practices to strengthen relationships and build a community where harm can be addressed and repaired.
Types of Evidence Required: Self assessment, Revised classroom routines and expectations and a presentation

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StartNEA_RP1Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers1. Exploring Restorative Practices

Trauma: 2. Trauma Informed Support for Students
Educators understand and apply the physiological, psychological, and behavioral impact of trauma on students.
Types of Evidence Required: Student observations, intervention list with results, student debrief

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StartNEA_TRA2Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers2. Trauma Informed Support for Students

Trauma: 3. Developing a Healing-Centered Self Care Practice
Educators will develop a healing-centered self-care practice as a preventative measure for compassion fatigue and or burn out.
Types of Evidence Required: Self assessment and analysis, find resources, list activities, and develop a self-care routine

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StartNEA_TRA3Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers3. Developing a Healing-Centered Self Care Practice

Trauma: 4. Race Based Trauma
Educators will use their knowledge of how individual and institutional racism, racial bias, discrimination, and microaggressions can cause traumatic reactions in students of color, to create a safe and brave environment that can help students cope with race-based trauma.
Types of Evidence Required: Research, plan and analysis

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StartNEA_TRA4Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers4. Race Based Trauma

Trauma: 5. Using a Healing-Centered Approach to Support Refugee Students
Educators identify the causes and implications of refugee trauma on students. They design a healing-centered learning environment to support students who have experienced refugee trauma.
Types of Evidence Required: List of services, referral process, and action plan

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StartNEA_TRA5Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers5. Using a Healing-Centered Approach to Support Refugee Students

Exceptional Learner: 5. Working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Educator addresses the needs of students identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder and works collaboratively with stakeholders to provide quality instruction and support transition needs.
Types of Evidence Required: ABC Chart, Survey, and Learning Plan

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StartNEA_EL5Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers5. Working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Exceptional Learner: 6. Introduction to Universal Design and Learning
Educator uses the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines and checkpoints to enhance their unit of study planning to reduce barriers to learning and support all students to become expert learners.
Types of Evidence Required: Analysis of Current UDL Implementation, Enhanced Unit of Study, and a Wrtitten Rationale

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StartNEA_EL6Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers6. Introduction to Universal Design and Learning

Trauma: 6. Poverty Based Trauma
Educators identify the causes and implications of trauma that's linked to poverty and design a healing-centered learning environment to support affected students. Educators also promote empathy and the healthy development of social emotional skills among all students.
Types of Evidence Required: Infographic, and Listicle,classroom plan

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StartNEA_TRA6Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute Teachers6. Poverty Based Trauma

Classroom Management: Addressing Challenging Behaviors
Educator demonstrates an understanding and application of multiple strategies when addressing challenging classroom behaviors to meet the needs of all learners.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifact, SMART goal analysis, pamphlet/brochure

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StartNEA_CM1Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersAddressing Challenging Behaviors

Classroom Management: Aspects of an Engaged Classroom
Educator demonstrates an understanding of the value of student engagement in classroom management to promote an environment that is conducive to learning.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, video

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StartNEA_CM2Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersAspects of an Engaged Classroom

Technology Integration: Citizen
Educator inspires students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world.
Types of Evidence Required: Code of conduct AND Plan or sharing code of conduct

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StartNEA_TICIMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersCitizen

Classroom Management: Classroom Expectations and Routines
Educator demonstrates an understanding of successful use of classroom expectations and routines to promote an environment that is conducive to learning.
Types of Evidence Required: chart, video analysis (video upload not required)

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StartNEA_CM3Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersClassroom Expectations and Routines

Arts Integration: Classroom Management for Creative Learning
Educator creates a kinesthetic, cooperative, and culturally responsive classroom to maintain an engaging learning environment.
Types of Evidence Required: Document, Visual Evidence

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StartNEA_AICLMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersClassroom Management for Creative Learning

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Communication Standard: Effective Communication

The ESP demonstrates effective communication with diverse audiences that may include students, parents/guardians, staff, visitors, coworkers/colleagues, supervisors, and community members at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC0Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersCommunication Standard: Effective Communication

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Communication Standard: Responsible Communication

The ESP demonstrates responsible communication with diverse audiences that may include students, parents/guardians, staff, visitors, coworkers/colleagues, supervisors, and community members effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC1Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersCommunication Standard: Responsible Communication

Technology for Educational Leaders: Connected Educator- Growing Your Professional Network
Educator shares and learns in the global community as a means to develop professionally.
Types of Evidence Required: List of memberships, problem of practice and solution, website OR blog.

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StartNEA_CEGMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersConnected Educator- Growing Your Professional Network

Bully Free Schools: Creating Bully-Free Environments within Structured Settings
Educator successfully create safe, bully-free environments within structured settings.
Types of Evidence Required: image or document of list and written artifact

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StartNEA_SSMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersCreating Bully-Free Environments within Structured Settings

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Cultural Competence Standard: Cultural Self-Awareness

The ESP demonstrates awareness of how their own culture (e.g., race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, beliefs, and other differences) shapes their preferences and perspective, and understands how to become conscious of previously unconscious biases going forward.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; activity sheet written or audio or video artifact, audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC3Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersCultural Competence Standard: Cultural Self-Awareness

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Cultural Competence Standard: Valuing Diversity

The ESP values diversity with regard to culture (e.g., race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, beliefs, and other differences.)

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; activity sheet, audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC2Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersCultural Competence Standard: Valuing Diversity

Bully Free Schools: Cyberbullying/Cyber Safety
Educator recognizes cyberbullying and teaches students how to stay safe online.
Types of Evidence Required: Spreadsheet, Photo Journal, Video

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StartNEA_CCSMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersCyberbullying/Cyber Safety

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Educator Ethics and the Law
Educator uses their knowledge of laws and policies in their day-to-day decision-making to model and promote ethical behavior.
Types of Evidence Required: One pagers, presentation, analysis, examples

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StartNEA_ETH1Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersEducator Ethics and the Law

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Ethics Standard: Knowledge of Ethical Behavior

The ESP demonstrates knowledge of ethical behavior effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGCEMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersEthics Standard: Knowledge of Ethical Behavior

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Ethics Standard: Modeling Ethical Behavior

The ESP models ethical behavior effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGCFMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersEthics Standard: Modeling Ethical Behavior

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Health and Safety Standard: Knowledge of Health and Safety Regulations

The ESP demonstrates knowledge of health and safety regulations effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC7Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersHealth and Safety Standard: Knowledge of Health and Safety Regulations

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Health and Safety Standard: Problem Solving and Decision-Making

The ESP demonstrates health and safety problem solving and decision-making efficiently and effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC6Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersHealth and Safety Standard: Problem Solving and Decision-Making

Bully Free Schools: Intervention Strategies for Educators
Educator demonstrates an understanding of how they can intervene appropriately in student- to-student bullying situations.
Types of Evidence Required: images/pdf, written artifact, video

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StartNEA_ISMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersIntervention Strategies for Educators

Technology Integration: Learner
Educator improves their practice by learning from and with others through the exploration of best practices that leverage technology to improve student learning.
Types of Evidence Required: Reflection, Goal, Matrix AND Evidence of networking

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StartNEA_TILMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersLearner

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Organization Standard: Equipment and Task Management

The ESP demonstrates equipment and task management, the ability to manage equipment, tasks, and information efficiently and effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC5Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersOrganization Standard: Equipment and Task Management

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Organization Standard: Time Management

The ESP demonstrates time management, the ability to manage work duties efficiently and effectively within time allotted/allocated.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC4Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersOrganization Standard: Time Management

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Professionalism Standard: Professional Dispositions

The ESP demonstrates how professional dispositions shape their experiences and effectiveness at work.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGCDMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersProfessionalism Standard: Professional Dispositions

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Professionalism Standard: Professional Preparedness

The ESP demonstrates professional preparedness, professional knowledge and self-presentation skills effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGCCMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersProfessionalism Standard: Professional Preparedness

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Reporting Standard: Compliance in Reporting

The ESP demonstrates compliance in reporting to fulfill the responsibilities of a mandated reporter effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGCBMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersReporting Standard: Compliance in Reporting

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Reporting Standard: Comprehensive Reporting

The ESP demonstrates comprehensive reporting to fulfill the responsibilities of a mandated reporter effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGCAMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersReporting Standard: Comprehensive Reporting

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsibility for Professional Competence
Educator takes responsibility for professional competence.
Types of Evidence Required: Action plan, one pagers, research

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StartNEA_ETH2Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersResponsibility for Professional Competence

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsibility to Students
Educator respects the rights and dignity of students by demonstrating an ethic of care through developmentally appropriate interactions and boundaries within an educational setting.
Types of Evidence Required: Compare/contrast, summary, presentation

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StartNEA_ETH3Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersResponsibility to Students

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsibility to the Profession
Educator examines their ethical behavior, promotes the advancement of the profession, and attempts to address and resolve ethical issues.
Types of Evidence Required: Time management system, resolution, action plan

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StartNEA_ETH4Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersResponsibility to the Profession

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsibility to the School Community
Educator uses research and resources to promote ethical relationships and effective interactions with members of the school community.
Types of Evidence Required: Concept circle, chart, one pagers,parent communication plan

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StartNEA_ETH5Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersResponsibility to the School Community

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsible and Ethical Use of Technology
Educator demonstrates responsible and ethical use of technology.
Types of Evidence Required: Handbook

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StartNEA_ETH6Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersResponsible and Ethical Use of Technology

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Setting and Maintaining Ethical Boundaries
Educator sets and maintains ethical boundaries in their professional life.
Types of Evidence Required: Drawing, chart, slide show or article

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StartNEA_ETH7Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersSetting and Maintaining Ethical Boundaries

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Professional Responsibility - Technology Integration 101
Educator integrates digital tools effectively into their classroom lessons.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, three student work samples

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StartNEA_TIMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersTechnology Integration 101

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Technology Standard: Relevant Knowledge about Technology

The ESP demonstrates relevant knowledge about technology effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC9Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersTechnology Standard: Relevant Knowledge about Technology

Education Support Professionals: Professional Growth Continuum (Proficient Level): Technology Standard: Using Job-Related Technology

ESP demonstrates the ability to use job-related technology effectively at their worksite.

Types of Evidence Required:

Written or audio or video learning artifact; audio or video interview artifact; written or audio or video reflection artifact.

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StartNEA_PGC8Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersTechnology Standard: Using Job-Related Technology

Classroom Management: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
Educator demonstrates an understanding of how trauma can affect student behaviors and responses within the school context and promotes students’ abilities to self-monitor and maintain positive engagement in all aspects of learning and interactions.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, pamphlet OR brochure

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StartNEA_TIPMicro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersTrauma-Informed Pedagogy

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Understanding Educator Ethics
Educators will use research and resources to distinguish between codes of conduct and codes of ethics in order to determine best ethical practices when confronting a variety of dilemmas.
Types of Evidence Required: Resource, implementation description,case study

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StartNEA_ETH8Micro-credentials of interest to Substitute TeachersUnderstanding Educator Ethics