Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators

Approximate hours each

These micro-credentials are of interest to early career educators. Early career educators may also find micro-credentials of interest elsewhere in NEA’s micro-credential library. All NEA micro-credentials are eligible for Washington state clock hours with the exception of the Teacher Leadership Association Pathway stack. Find out more about how to earn Washington clock hours through NEA micro-credentials.

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Teaching with Primary Sources: *Inquiry with Primary Sources
Educator uses inquiry to engage learners in analysis of primary sources to promote student empathy, foster understanding of multiple perspectives, deepen content knowledge, and enhance critical thinking skills.
Key Method: Educator curates relevant and appropriate primary source sets to develop and analyze an inquiry-based primary source learning activity.

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StartNEA_TPS1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators*Inquiry with Primary Sources

Trauma Informed Pedagogy: 1. Creating a Healing Centered Learning Environment
Educators identifies key elements of trauma-informed pedagogy and design a healing-centered learning environment.
Types of Evidence Required: Vision statement, presentation, theory of action, and summary

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StartNEA_TRA1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators1. Creating a Healing Centered Learning Environment

Restorative Practices: 1. Exploring Restorative Practices
Educator explores restorative practices to strengthen relationships and build a community where harm can be addressed and repaired.
Types of Evidence Required: Self assessment, Revised classroom routines and expectations and a presentation

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StartNEA_RP1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators1. Exploring Restorative Practices

Family Engagement: 1. Families in Society and Cultural Contexts
Educator understands, values, respects, and honors the unique variations that exist among families and the ways families support and advocate for their child(ren).
Types of Evidence Required: Information Gathering, Description of changes made with analysis and results

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StartNEA_FE1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators1. Families in Society and Cultural Contexts

Co-teaching: 1. Foundations of Co-Teaching

The educator will explore the use of co-teaching as an instructional framework.

Types of Evidence Required

The educator creates a vision by analyzing the benefits of co-teaching for students. They also assess their own personality traits and analyze at least four co-teaching models.

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StartNEA_COT1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators1. Foundations of Co-Teaching

Exceptional Learner: 1. IEP Implementation-Communication and Collaboration
Educator, as a member of the Individual Education Program (IEP) implementation team, uses communication and collaboration strategies to increase the supports for student attainment of established goals.
Types of Evidence Required: Communication and Collaboration Plan, Documentation over 20-30 days, and Feedback from attending an IEP meeting

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StartNEA_EL1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators1. IEP Implementation-Communication and Collaboration

Trauma: 2. Trauma Informed Support for Students
Educators understand and apply the physiological, psychological, and behavioral impact of trauma on students.
Types of Evidence Required: Student observations, intervention list with results, student debrief

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StartNEA_TRA2Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators2. Trauma Informed Support for Students

Exceptional Learner: 2. Understanding the IEP Process
Educator uses district policy, state regulations, and federal law to understand Individualized Educational Programs (IEP), goal writing, and implementing instructional supports for learners with IEPs.
Types of Evidence Required: IEP-Present Level, Analysis, SMART Goals, Accomidations, and an Analysis of an IEP Meeting

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StartNEA_EL2Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators2. Understanding the IEP Process

Trauma: 3. Developing a Healing-Centered Self Care Practice
Educators will develop a healing-centered self-care practice as a preventative measure for compassion fatigue and or burn out.
Types of Evidence Required: Self assessment and analysis, find resources, list activities, and develop a self-care routine

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StartNEA_TRA3Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators3. Developing a Healing-Centered Self Care Practice

Exceptional Learner: 3. Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention Plans
Educator understands the purpose and utilization of Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans.
Types of Evidence Required: Functional Behavior Plan, and Case Study

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StartNEA_EL3Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators3. Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention Plans

Diversity, Equity, and Cultural Competence: 4. Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence in Classroom Instruction
Educators will develop and implement strategies to create a more culturally responsive, inclusive and equitable learning community for all students.
Types of Evidence Required: Infographic, self assessment, plan or resource, classroom vision, analysis

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StartNEA_DEC4Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators4. Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence in Classroom Instruction

Exceptional Learner: 4. IDEA- Determining Eligibility
Educator demonstrates an understanding of the connection between laws, regulations, policies, and procedures at the federal, state, and local levels and the process used to determine eligibility for special education and related services.
Types of Evidence Required: Comparison Chart, Informational Pamphlet, and Presentation

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StartNEA_EL4Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators4. IDEA- Determining Eligibility

Trauma: 4. Race Based Trauma
Educators will use their knowledge of how individual and institutional racism, racial bias, discrimination, and microaggressions can cause traumatic reactions in students of color, to create a safe and brave environment that can help students cope with race-based trauma.
Types of Evidence Required: Research, plan and analysis

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StartNEA_TRA4Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators4. Race Based Trauma

Diversity, Equity, and Cultural Competence: 5. Creating a Safe and Equitable Learning Environment
Educators will identify and implement key policy, and culturally-competent practices that lead to safe and equitable learning environments for students.
Types of Evidence Required: School climate survey, analysis, and action plan

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StartNEA_DEC5Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators5. Creating a Safe and Equitable Learning Environment

Trauma: 5. Using a Healing-Centered Approach to Support Refugee Students
Educators identify the causes and implications of refugee trauma on students. They design a healing-centered learning environment to support students who have experienced refugee trauma.
Types of Evidence Required: List of services, referral process, and action plan

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StartNEA_TRA5Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators5. Using a Healing-Centered Approach to Support Refugee Students

Exceptional Learner: 5. Working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Educator addresses the needs of students identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder and works collaboratively with stakeholders to provide quality instruction and support transition needs.
Types of Evidence Required: ABC Chart, Survey, and Learning Plan

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StartNEA_EL5Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators5. Working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Exceptional Learner: 6. Introduction to Universal Design and Learning
Educator uses the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines and checkpoints to enhance their unit of study planning to reduce barriers to learning and support all students to become expert learners.
Types of Evidence Required: Analysis of Current UDL Implementation, Enhanced Unit of Study, and a Wrtitten Rationale

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StartNEA_EL6Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators6. Introduction to Universal Design and Learning

Trauma: 6. Poverty Based Trauma
Educators identify the causes and implications of trauma that's linked to poverty and design a healing-centered learning environment to support affected students. Educators also promote empathy and the healthy development of social emotional skills among all students.
Types of Evidence Required: Infographic, and Listicle,classroom plan

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StartNEA_TRA6Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators6. Poverty Based Trauma

Family Engagement: 7. Leading with Professional Ethics
Educator leads with professional ethics to empower families to support and advocate for students and schools.
Types of Evidence Required: Survey, learning plan,flyer, slide deck, handouts, faciliate a workshop, collect feedback

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StartNEA_FE7Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career Educators7. Leading with Professional Ethics

Classroom Management: Addressing Challenging Behaviors
Educator demonstrates an understanding and application of multiple strategies when addressing challenging classroom behaviors to meet the needs of all learners.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifact, SMART goal analysis, pamphlet/brochure

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StartNEA_CM1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsAddressing Challenging Behaviors

Technology Integration: Analyst
Educator understands and uses data to drive their instruction and support students in achieving their learning goals.
Types of Evidence Required: Assessment, Assessment results AND Lesson plan

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StartNEA_TIAMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsAnalyst

Classroom Management: Aspects of an Engaged Classroom
Educator demonstrates an understanding of the value of student engagement in classroom management to promote an environment that is conducive to learning.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, video

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StartNEA_CM2Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsAspects of an Engaged Classroom

Technology for Educational Leaders: Building Relationships Online
Facilitator uses multiple strategies to support the formation of safe, productive, and professional relationships in online settings.
Types of Evidence Required: Course Syllabus, lesson artifact OR presentation, and a video OR Annotated Screenshots

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StartNEA_BROMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsBuilding Relationships Online

Technology Integration: Citizen
Educator inspires students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world.
Types of Evidence Required: Code of conduct AND Plan or sharing code of conduct

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StartNEA_TICIMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCitizen

Classroom Management: Classroom Expectations and Routines
Educator demonstrates an understanding of successful use of classroom expectations and routines to promote an environment that is conducive to learning.
Types of Evidence Required: chart, video analysis (video upload not required)

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StartNEA_CM3Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsClassroom Expectations and Routines

Arts Integration: Classroom Management for Creative Learning
Educator creates a kinesthetic, cooperative, and culturally responsive classroom to maintain an engaging learning environment.
Types of Evidence Required: Document, Visual Evidence

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StartNEA_AICLMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsClassroom Management for Creative Learning

Teacher Leadership: Instructional Pathway - Coaching and Mentoring
Educator deepens understanding and application of coaching techniques.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, audio or video AND written documentation, Written artifact OR video

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StartNEA_CAMMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCoaching and Mentoring

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Understanding Content - Collaboration Between Colleagues
Educator collaborates with others to expand their content knowledge to keep up with changes in the discipline, make academic language accessible to students, and develop learners' abilities to independently engage in and evaluate their work.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, Lesson Plan AND written artifact, 2-minute video

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StartNEA_CBCMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCollaboration Between Colleagues

Technology Integration: Collaborator
Educator dedicates time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems.
Types of Evidence Required: Modified lesson plans, evidence of collaboration AND Evidence of virtual engagement

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StartNEA_TICMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCollaborator

Technology for Educational Leaders: Connected Educator- Growing Your Professional Network
Educator shares and learns in the global community as a means to develop professionally.
Types of Evidence Required: List of memberships, problem of practice and solution, website OR blog.

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StartNEA_CEGMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsConnected Educator- Growing Your Professional Network

Teaching with Primary Sources: Connecting Primary Sources & Technology for Formative Assessment
Educator connects primary sources with technology for formative assessment to meet instructional goals and increase student engagement with course content.
Key Method: Educator creates or revises a lesson that uses technology for formative assessments of primary sources.

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StartNEA_TPS6Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsConnecting Primary Sources & Technology for Formative Assessment

Teaching with Primary Sources: Connecting Primary Sources with Historic Places
Educator will be able to connect primary sources with a historic place, meet instructional goals, and increase student engagement with course content.
Key Method: Educator will create or revise a lesson that connects primary sources with a historic place to teach about an event, person, or landscape.

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StartNEA_TPS5Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsConnecting Primary Sources with Historic Places

Classroom Management: Creating A Classroom Community
The educator understands the importance of building key relationships for a positive classroom community.
Types of Evidence Required: video OR photo journal OR student work samples PLUS written artifacts

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StartNEA_CM4Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCreating A Classroom Community

Bully Free Schools: Creating Bully-Free Environments within Structured Settings
Educator successfully create safe, bully-free environments within structured settings.
Types of Evidence Required: image or document of list and written artifact

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StartNEA_SSMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCreating Bully-Free Environments within Structured Settings

Teacher Leadership: Diversity Equity Cultural Competence Pathway - Cultivating Socially Just Environments
Educator deepens understanding of cultivating socially just educational environments.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, audio or video AND written documentation, Written artifact OR video

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StartNEA_CSJMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCultivating Socially Just Environments

Teaching with Primary Sources: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy with Primary Sources
Educator uses primary sources and inquiry strategies to craft culturally relevant instruction.
Key Method: Educator develops and analyzes a lesson that incorporates the three tenets of culturally relevant pedagogy with primary sources.

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StartNEA_TPS3Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCulturally Relevant Pedagogy with Primary Sources

Technology for Educational Leaders: Curating Content
Educator uses a variety of curation tools to collect meaningful content for other educators.
Types of Evidence Required: Essay and a website or blog

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StartNEA_CURMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsCurating Content

Technology Integration: Designer
Educator designs authentic personalized learning experiences that empower students, are aligned to content area standards, and integrate purposeful use of digital tools to accomodate learner preferences and needs.
Types of Evidence Required: Unit plan AND Student work samples

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StartNEA_TIDMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsDesigner

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Educator Ethics and the Law
Educator uses their knowledge of laws and policies in their day-to-day decision-making to model and promote ethical behavior.
Types of Evidence Required: One pagers, presentation, analysis, examples

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StartNEA_ETH1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsEducator Ethics and the Law

Teacher Leadership: Policy Pathway - Engagement and Relationships
Educator deepens understanding of how their strengths in teacher leadership impact the policy engagement and relationships process.
Types of Evidence Required: Video OR Audio AND/OR written artifact, Written artifact OR audio or video

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StartNEA_PERMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsEngagement and Relationships

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Instructional Practice - Engaging Classroom Discourse
Educator plans for and utilizes various strategies to encourage student discourse that supports student learning.
Types of Evidence Required: 10-minute video, written artifact, written artifact

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StartNEA_ECDMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsEngaging Classroom Discourse

Cooperating Teacher: Equity Literacy
The cooperating teacher demonstrates an understanding of how to create and sustain a bias-free and equitable learning environment for teacher candidates through increased equity literacy.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, video OR narrative OR audio file OR brochure OR PowerPoint, written summary

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StartNEA_ELMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsEquity Literacy

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Understanding Content - Evaluating Digital Sources
Educator supports students in evaluating digital sources to develop students' critical thinking skills.
Types of Evidence Required: 3 Lesson Plans, 3 artifacts of student work AND written artifact

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StartNEA_EDSMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsEvaluating Digital Sources

Teacher Leadership: Diversity Equity Cultural Competence Pathway - Explore and Challenge Inequity
Educator understands and participates in situations challenging inequity and promotes equity, diversity, and cultural competency in education.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, audio or video AND written documentation, Written artifact OR video

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StartNEA_CIMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsExplore and Challenge Inequity

Teacher Leadership: Instructional Pathway - Facilitating Collaborative Relationships
Educator deepens their understanding and application of their abilities to facilitate collaborative relationships.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, audio or video AND written documentation, Written artifact OR video

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StartNEA_FCRMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsFacilitating Collaborative Relationships

Technology Integration: Facilitator
Educator uses technology to facilitate learning.
Types of Evidence Required: Lesson plans, Annotated student work AND written analysis

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StartNEA_TIFMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsFacilitator

Assessment Literacy: Foundational Principles of Quality Assessment
Educator uses the foundational principles of quality assessment practices to design classroom assessments and assessment practices to provide all important stakeholders (educators, students, families, policymakers, etc.) with useful information about student learning.
Types of Evidence Required: Document, PDF

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StartNEA_ALFPMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsFoundational Principles of Quality Assessment

Bully Free Schools: Intervention Strategies for Educators
Educator demonstrates an understanding of how they can intervene appropriately in student- to-student bullying situations.
Types of Evidence Required: images/pdf, written artifact, video

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StartNEA_ISMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsIntervention Strategies for Educators

Five Core Propositions (NBCT): Know Your Students
Teachers know about the students they instruct in order to respond to individual student learning differences and provide every student with a high quality educational setting.
Types of Evidence Required: two written artifacts using given templates

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StartNEA_KYSMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsKnow Your Students

Five Core Propositions (NBCT): Knowing Your Content & How to Teach It to Students
Educator possesses a firm command of their subject area(s), understands factual information as well as major themes, and has the pedagogical insight to communicate their subject knowledge and impact student learning.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts (3)

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StartNEA_KCTMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsKnowing Your Content & How to Teach It to Students

Technology Integration: Leader
Educator seeks out leadership opportunities to improve teaching and learning using technology.
Types of Evidence Required: Needs assessment, evidence of committee involvement AND evidence of modeling technology integration (website, feedback, blog post, lesson plan)

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StartNEA_TILDMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsLeader

Technology Integration: Learner
Educator improves their practice by learning from and with others through the exploration of best practices that leverage technology to improve student learning.
Types of Evidence Required: Reflection, Goal, Matrix AND Evidence of networking

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StartNEA_TILMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsLearner

Assessment Literacy: Learning Targets to Establish Success Criteria and Engage Students
Educator uses learning targets to create a shared vision for learning expectations, to establish success criteria, and to engage students in the intended learning.
Types of Evidence Required: Spreadsheet, Photo Journal, Video

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StartNEA_ALLTMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsLearning Targets to Establish Success Criteria and Engage Students

Five Core Propositions (NBCT): Managing & Monitoring Student Learning
Educator works collaboratively with their students to plan instruction, motivate and challenge students during instruction, and monitor student learning over time.
Types of Evidence Required: student work samples, written artifact, student survey results

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StartNEA_MSLMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsManaging & Monitoring Student Learning

Cooperating Teacher: Managing Difficult Conversations
Educator demonstrates the understanding and skills necessary to effectively handle difficult conversations with a student teacher candidate that will result in a positive outcome.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifact, audio OR video

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StartNEA_MDCMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsManaging Difficult Conversations

Teaching with Primary Sources: Multidisciplinary Civics with Primary Sources
Educator uses inquiry learning with primary sources to enhance students’ civics knowledge, skills, and dispositions across one or more disciplines.
Key Method: Educator develops and analyzes a multidisciplinary civics lesson using inquiry and primary sources.

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StartNEA_TPS2Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsMultidisciplinary Civics with Primary Sources

Classroom Management: Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom
Educator demonstrates an understanding of how organizing the physical layout of his or her classroom can contribute to a positive learning environment.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, video OR photo of drawing OR photo journal

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StartNEA_CM5Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsOrganizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom

Teaching with Primary Sources: Pairing Primary Sources with Historical Picture Books
Educator uses an inquiry approach to learning that utilizes primary sources and an historical picture book.
Key Method: Educator develops and analyzes an inquiry-based lesson that pairs an historical picture book with a curated set of related primary sources.

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StartNEA_TPS7Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPairing Primary Sources with Historical Picture Books

LGBTQ+: Part 1. Take a Stand: Creating Safe Schools for LGBTQ+ Students

Educators will learn about LGBTQ+ people and how to create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students.

Types of Evidence Required

expand awareness about school safety issues for LGBTQ+ students, analyze the factors that affect their safety, and develop an action plan

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StartNEA_PLUS1Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPart 1. Take a Stand: Creating Safe Schools for LGBTQ+ Students

LGBTQ+: Part 2. Walking the Talk: Strategies to Address LGBTQ+ Bias in the Classroom

Educators will learn about LGBTQ+ student bias and approaches to address it. Educators will also reflect on how factors that contribute to this bias can influence their daily behaviors.

Types of Evidence Required

identify their unconscious bias, explore strategies to address anti-LGBTQ+ bias, and develop action plans

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StartNEA_PLUS2Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPart 2. Walking the Talk: Strategies to Address LGBTQ+ Bias in the Classroom

LGBTQ+: Part 3. Making the Case: Communication Strategies

Educators will learn strategies they can use to communicate about LGBTQ+ students and LGBTQ+ issues, including how to prepare persuasive and informative message.

Types of Evidence Required

research and identify common objections to LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and curriculum

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StartNEA_PLUS3Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPart 3. Making the Case: Communication Strategies

LGBTQ+: Part 4. The Intersections of Race, Gender, Gender identity, & Sexual Orientation

Educators understand the intersections of race, gender, and sexual orientation and how they connect with classroom culture, pedagogy, and student and staff relationships.

Types of Evidence Required

analyze key concepts of race, gender, and sexual orientation, determine roles in examining oppression at the individual, institutional, and societal levels, and create an action plan for addressing this oppression within the classroom

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StartNEA_PLUS4Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPart 4. The Intersections of Race, Gender, Gender identity, & Sexual Orientation

LGBTQ+: Part 5. Safe and Supportive Working Environments: A Right for LGBTQ+ Educators

Educators will gain deeper insight into the barriers LGBTQ+ employees face while recognizing ways to support LGBTQ+ educators right now.

Types of Evidence Required

learn policies and laws related to the rights of LGBTQ+ employees, identify barriers employees of the LGBTQ+ community face, explain why the “coming out” process is difficult, and recognize policies to make a more inclusive environment

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StartNEA_PLUS5Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPart 5. Safe and Supportive Working Environments: A Right for LGBTQ+ Educators

Cooperating Teacher: Positive Professional Relationships
The cooperating teacher uses various techniques that encourage and promote meaningful dialogue and collaboration. The cooperating teacher establishes and maintains a positive professional relationship with their student/intern.
Types of Evidence Required: document upload

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StartNEA_PPRMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPositive Professional Relationships

Cooperating Teacher: Post-Observation Feedback
Cooperating teacher demonstrates understanding of how to engage in the feedback process with a student teacher/intern.
Types of Evidence Required: 30 - 45 min video, written artifacts

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StartNEA_POFMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPost-Observation Feedback

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Understanding Content - Promote Ownership of Learning
Educator creates opportunities for student choice to promote ownership of learning.
Types of Evidence Required: 2-3 lesson plans AND written artifact, 3-4 student work samples AND 3-4 written artifacts

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StartNEA_POLMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPromote Ownership of Learning

Teacher Leadership: Diversity Equity Cultural Competence Pathway - Purposeful Collaboration
Educator leads or facilitates diverse groups in situations which challenge inequity and promote equity, diversity, and cultural competency in education.
Types of Evidence Required: Video OR Audio AND/OR written artifact, Written artifact OR audio or video

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StartNEA_PCMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsPurposeful Collaboration

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Professional Responsibility - Reflective Practice to Improve Personal Effectiveness in the Classroom
Educator reflects on their practice to improve personal effectiveness in the classroom.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, 2 SMART Goals, Written artifact,

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StartNEA_RPIMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsReflective Practice to Improve Personal Effectiveness in the Classroom

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsibility for Professional Competence
Educator takes responsibility for professional competence.
Types of Evidence Required: Action plan, one pagers, research

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StartNEA_ETH2Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsResponsibility for Professional Competence

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsibility to Students
Educator respects the rights and dignity of students by demonstrating an ethic of care through developmentally appropriate interactions and boundaries within an educational setting.
Types of Evidence Required: Compare/contrast, summary, presentation

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StartNEA_ETH3Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsResponsibility to Students

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsibility to the Profession
Educator examines their ethical behavior, promotes the advancement of the profession, and attempts to address and resolve ethical issues.
Types of Evidence Required: Time management system, resolution, action plan

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StartNEA_ETH4Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsResponsibility to the Profession

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsibility to the School Community
Educator uses research and resources to promote ethical relationships and effective interactions with members of the school community.
Types of Evidence Required: Concept circle, chart, one pagers,parent communication plan

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StartNEA_ETH5Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsResponsibility to the School Community

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Responsible and Ethical Use of Technology
Educator demonstrates responsible and ethical use of technology.
Types of Evidence Required: Handbook

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StartNEA_ETH6Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsResponsible and Ethical Use of Technology

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Setting and Maintaining Ethical Boundaries
Educator sets and maintains ethical boundaries in their professional life.
Types of Evidence Required: Drawing, chart, slide show or article

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StartNEA_ETH7Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsSetting and Maintaining Ethical Boundaries

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Instructional Practice - Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
Educator reflects on objectives and provides timely feedback to students.
Types of Evidence Required: Written artifact, 3 artifacts of student work AND rubric AND written artifact OR Video

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StartNEA_SOPMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsSetting Objectives and Providing Feedback

Five Core Propositions (NBCT): Teachers are Members of Learning Communities
Educator works collaboratively with colleagues, families, and the communuty to support students and their learning.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts (3), file upload

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StartNEA_ISLMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsTeachers are Members of Learning Communities

Cooperating Teacher: Teaching About Teaching
Cooperating teacher provides a rationale for planning and preparation, classroom environment, and instruction (metacognitive skills).
Types of Evidence Required: 30 - 45 min video, written artifacts

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StartNEA_TATMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsTeaching About Teaching

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Professional Responsibility - Technology Integration 101
Educator integrates digital tools effectively into their classroom lessons.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, three student work samples

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StartNEA_TIMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsTechnology Integration 101

Teaching with Primary Sources: The Question Formulation Technique & Primary Sources
Educator uses the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) to engage learners in content by generating and analyzing questions about a primary source.
Key Method: Educator creates or revises a lesson using the QFT with a primary source, directly connecting students' questions to the next steps of their learning.

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StartNEA_TPS8Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsThe Question Formulation Technique & Primary Sources

Five Core Propositions (NBCT): Thinking Systematically About Your Practice
Educator expands their repertoire and deepens their pedagogical content knowledge to remain inventive and welcoming to new findings that extend their professional learning.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifact OR video/audio, 4 separate written artifacts

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StartNEA_TSMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsThinking Systematically About Your Practice

Classroom Management: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
Educator demonstrates an understanding of how trauma can affect student behaviors and responses within the school context and promotes students’ abilities to self-monitor and maintain positive engagement in all aspects of learning and interactions.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts, pamphlet OR brochure

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StartNEA_TIPMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsTrauma-Informed Pedagogy

Technology for Educational Leaders: Troubleshooting and Providing IT Support to Educators
Educator uses technology tools to create a system of supports for other educators.
Types of Evidence Required: Description of issue, helpsheet OR screencast, and a website

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StartNEA_TAPMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsTroubleshooting and Providing IT Support to Educators

Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics: Understanding Educator Ethics
Educators will use research and resources to distinguish between codes of conduct and codes of ethics in order to determine best ethical practices when confronting a variety of dilemmas.
Types of Evidence Required: Resource, implementation description,case study

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StartNEA_ETH8Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsUnderstanding Educator Ethics

Teaching with Primary Sources: Universal Design for Learning with Primary Sources
Educator uses Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with primary sources to provide multiple means of engagement, representation of information, and opportunities for action and expression to increase universal accessibility of course content and skills.
Key Method: Educator customizes and augments a primary source learning activity by employing UDL principles to increase universal accessibility.

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StartNEA_TPS4Micro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsUniversal Design for Learning with Primary Sources

Classroom Practice (InTasc): Instructional Practice - Using Student Evaluations to Improve Instruction and Student Learning
Educator uses student evaluations to improve instructional practice and meet student needs.
Types of Evidence Required: written artifacts (3)

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StartNEA_USEMicro-credentials of interest to Early Career EducatorsUsing Student Evaluations to Improve Instruction and Student Learning